Six Types of Social Media Tools

Six types of social media tools:

  1. Blogging
  2. Podcasting
  3. Creating Online videos (including sketch casting and Screen casting)
  4. Social networking (participating in popular ones like LinkedIn and Facebook as well as creating your own using Ning)
  5. Message boards and comment forums (like Disqus)
  6. Using Wikis (both public as well as private) to share knowledge externally and internally

Source:A Study of Inc.500 Companies‘ use of Social Media

For the third consecutive year, the Center for Marketing Research at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth has conducted a study that looks at the usage of social media among Inc. 500 companies. The 2009 results confirm that America‘s fastest growing private companies adopt social media marketing initiatives at much higher rates than other companies, and that interest in social media has grown since the first study was conducted in 2007.

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